Sunday, February 13, 2011

Football Abdomen With Fluttering Sensations


as we do not see that once again we are the subject of exploitation of man? Leaves me puzzled puittosto the manifestation of the "if not now when?" and inside me I can understand why these concerns and simply ask myself one question: 'And' must still go to the streets to enforce the regions ... be a woman?> Because we feel the duty to specify in the square that are not like Karima, or Ruby that you want, not nearly as depression any starlet who can get exhibited only entering buildings to the most forbidden ', now maybe not so prohibited, as described in the media clutter, but I think that millions of everyday working women represent the integrity, rolling up their sleeves for their children, husbands, and many school another, the dignity meet in the stories of ordinary poverty, honor in the battles waged by families forced to move from various hospitals and departments, with the complicity of a stupid and unnecessary bureaucracy, all these women fight without going to the streets, and those that are planning to carve out their advertising time to represent only themselves. I do not feel the need to rediscover the values \u200b\u200band integrity, I just look in the mirror without being ashamed of being a woman, rather ashamed of hatred too many idiots who use violence against women, not knowing how to use your brain, I would not judge the fear and silence of some, but I could not denounce me who uses any form of violence. I meet many women in various blog, each one able to handle the femininity as it sees fit, are daccordissimo with Starla, a blogger for word press, when he says that we live at a time when the press voyeuristic and morbid, attributes unique to women as 2quella profession more 'of the ancient world. "I leave you the link of the blog where you can read the entire article by Starla:
http://starlainvenice.wordpres / .
I still hope to all women of the world peace and serenity.


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