influence as many, with the usual symptoms: cough, cold, 38 degrees of fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea ... Normal short stuff, as usual, is more dangerous to cross the road take the influenza A.
precautions are much more fun instead.
1) If you talk to 2 meters with a patient for more than 2 minutes, the risk of infection is 56% . And who ever talks about being 2 meters from a person? So beautiful and we are already sick. (Viva mutual!).
2) Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze, then throw the handkerchief . Then call Bertolaso \u200b\u200bto remove the tissues? Come on!
3) Try to avoid contact with objects handled by infected persons . I do the grocery shopping, but you know how many strangers have gone before and have touched? Here we risk the folly, if not eat dying of hunger!
4) Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or have attended public places. This always used to say mom, but not us! And now we are beautiful and dead!
5) In the case of influenza to stay home and limit contact . And maybe not even call the doctor? But noo! Your doctor may be, we do not have the influence we put the attacks him!
6) are useful and effective alcohol based cleaners for hands . The problem: where can we find the courage to go into a pharmacy?
7) Avoid carrying the sick in the kitchen . Patients should not be cooked!
8) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth germs are spread this way . And now blow your nose like me? Idea! Chinese restaurant with chopsticks!
9) Use hygiene masks in case of illness or care for ill . And if someone has the flu go to the bank? But stop! This is influence!
10) Do not sneeze into bus. The vehicle should be decontaminated and the driver burnt alive. Noo! this is a joke!
seems that the precaution is simply to complicate life and make it impossible ... But we never took similar precautions, and we are social animals. To do this simply can not.
And also no one has specified whether you can eat pasta with pesto.
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