Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shoestring Licorice In Calgary

Waste shameful to CAAB Bologna

who believes that white elephants exist only in the south of Italy is wrong: one of the biggest lies just beyond the ring road to Bologna. This is the "new" food center but focuses mainly on fruit and vegetable market. It 'a megalomaniac structured so as to leave stunned that get in the car. If he abandons the car to do some stretches on foot is assailed by anguish because the distances from place to place are lost. Fortunately, the administrative offices are located at the center of the Vu, which facilitates role of the director but it puts a strain on buyers to go around all the stands of a market that serves a city dweller does not even half miliione road almost as much as his colleague in Paris, which is ten times that number, cioĆ² 4 million-5 million.

If anyone says that Bologna is that Stan regions within 100-200 km can be answered in Paris that same distance to reach 15 million mouths.

What's more is that the anger is now a desert that is in front (because the structure and largely untapped) was entirely predictable at the design stage of the market. Already the law, which financed the new fruit and vegetable markets was out of the story in 1993. Even more important as the creation of structures and committed itself not only expensive, it was a total madness
in 1998 when the Municipality of Bologna began the study. Resistance from traders and commission agents was indeed lively.

But it was the throat area, very central, the old fruit market that now was in a central area piuttsto appettitevole. After years of degradation and invade scum of all kinds in these parts is emerging dirigenzizale fact the area of \u200b\u200blocal government.

from design to date, as any serious study would have predicted far in advance, the amount that passes through the market declined by 4 million of pounds to 3 million tons. A drop of 5,000 trucks a year missing to make it less burdensome and management of the market that it would have been in deficit even with the original quantity of 20,000 trucks a year. Hence, they are wrong

the legislature as well as the town of Bologna. But nobody is interested in the viability of a public investment, at least not in Emilia Romagna, with its red administration. I say this because in other cities (see Verona, Turin, Padua, etc.), with the incentive of the law and funding of the state, arose as a result of new markets. But all the more reason, more functional, less megalattici. In Bologna, the financial hole this administration would be open from an abyss if he had not intervened from transforming the entire area around the market in huge building plot. With this trick at least part of the disaster is mitigated and, indeed, who benefits from it are the usual friends of friends. We know who loses: the taxpayer industrious and honest!


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