Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Owner Of A Condo Bill Heating

Cancun, a half victory at UN Summit - The climate summit closes with an act that goes beyond Kyoto, but without binding commitments. Bolivia, there is

CANCUN (Mexico) - They had already risen goblets, multiplied by the applause. At midnight in Cancun (seven Italian time) the agreement on climate seemed a done deal. Mexico had the miracle. Patricia Espinosa, the president of the conference on climate change, coming out covered with laurels: The act Cancun was one of his creatures. Not even two hours later, the panic. Pablo Solon, Bolivia's chief negotiator, the new Bolivar of this conference on the climate did not hesitate: he refused the deal, with anger and determination. Heedless of his allies that Al.ba group, the Bolivarian Alternative, the protesters of the climate summit, this time they came down to myths advice. He did not. Panic, indecision. The rules of these leaders say they want the votes of all participants (194) to approve the agreement. In the delegation winds indecision. Christine Figueres, secretary of the Conference, two of night is decided, "Enough consensus, not unanimity" The last word is not 'yet been said. It is, however, the President, you, Patricia Espinosa, the creator of Cancun act. At the plenary session to be convened again.
AGREEMENT ON THE TABLE - It was a great victory of the finest in diplomacy, this agreement is to be said. Why then to look into this document Cancun (they call it "balanced package") are just so many political statements ed'intenti, no binding, no operation. For now. Everything is returned to the forthcoming summit in Durban 2011. Yet after the failure of the summit in Copenhagen last year, this package Mexican shines like a beacon illuminating the fog that surrounds our poor polluted land. Inside it says that the Kyoto Protocol should continue after its expiry date, 2012. And that countries must adhere to cut their CO2 emissions by a minimum of 25 to a maximum of 40%. It was not granted. Indeed. It was Patricia Espinosa, who went to take a one-to-one dissenters Kyoto, starting in Japan. And 'she was to convince Russia and Canada. She who took the praise, public and exaggerated, a country at all docile, like India, the mouth of his minister Ramesh. Inside the package there are also money fast start for developing countries (30 billion dollars, 410 million by Italy) and then the Green Climate Fund, a fund for boosting the green economy in the world 100 billion dollars a year for three years managed by the World Bank and from 40 member countries (25 developing and 15 developed). Even Felipe Calderon, Mexican president, can laugh tonight. "But who was really amazing was the conference chairman Patricia Espinosa," said Stefania Prestigiacomo, the Minister of Environment, with a hint of bitterness in his mouth: "We could not do it too us in Europe last year Copengahen?.

Corriede della Sera on 11 December 2010


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