Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bottomlessbathing Suits

waste collection in Monte San Vito: what about? How does it work?

For this reason we considered necessary to give a few lines to understand the importance and useful ' usefulness of this topical subject.
Many citizens of Monte San Vito for several months making their homes in the collection on canvassing, but we really sure that everyone knows what it is and as is the case?
We hear constantly about the need for new landfills and in front of citizens who oppose their implementation. Our Province was logistically divided into two basins, coordinated by special associations, which in turn make use of management bodies for the service of actual collection and disposal of waste. Each basin should be autonomous and independent in each phase. The basin 1, the time it returns to our common, coordinated by the "consortium CONERO ENVIRONMENT and managed by the first CAM Spa MULTISERVIZI now marked, it still does not have a landfill. That's why the importance that municipalities initiate the collection.

Our town was one of the first to start the collection compared to other towns of its own area. It all starts in October 2008, when for the first time in the village "The Mussel" is introduced the new method of collection of municipal solid waste, which gets rid of the classic road box, replacing it with the three domestic bins (white-paper , yellow-plastic, gray-undifferentiated). The following year, this system is also adopted in the village "Borghetto"

From the month of March 2011 finally the collection will be extended to the entire territory municipal , thereby affecting the state capital and Saint Lucia, while the campaigns will be carried out with the collection points near or ecological islands with the (different bins).
The news will also affect the mussels and Borghetto (who already have a scheme for separate collection systems), with the collection that will be done at home for the organic fraction (Brown ) and glass.
The data highlight the importance of this system for various reasons, including raising the public spirit and respect the environment, extend as much as possible the life of existing landfills (which can triple) so trying to avoid new ones, and the limitation on the eco-tax (national tax that applies to municipalities that do not meet the thresholds imposed by different Law).
In this regard, if by the end of this year, the percentage of waste of our common will to 50.01% we will be entitled to the reduction of eco-tax from 24 € to 14 € per tonne, which is why we invite all citizens to promote this simple procedure, as we have seen can not help but bring benefits to our City.


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