Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rca. To Componet Adaptor

Nuclear waste: the danger is knocking at our house also

L 'homo technologicus driving a car unrestrained: a paradox that as that insists on nuclear power as a factor in development, although problematic.
But the future may well live on another, controlled process based on the right to health and real progress.
First if it becomes aware, the better, because the so-called "waste" or waste arising from the production cycle of nuclear energy, will always remain an unsolved problem: produced by a complex process that goes from the mines of uranium enrichment centers, from nuclear power stations to military installations, waste always lead to the same dramatic question: where to place them? 52 would be the possible answers, at least according to an article published in Il Sole 24 Ore "last September 22 .
Written on these pages, in fact, the news of 52 areas deemed suitable for storage radioactive waste sites that were identified by Sogin (Nuclear Plant Management Society), 100% controlled by the Ministry of Economy. The list of reservoirs made by this company, and recently presented to the Government welcomes also an area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Ancona : With regard to the precise definition of the site, however, to date can not be given clear boundaries, although it is known that the area intended for evaluation is between the towns of Jesi, Osimo and Filottrano. The most credible hypothesis as to the location of the storage facility (which includes a commitment to equal soil about 300 hectares) are two: one indicates the location of St. Ignatius of Osimo, while the other points the finger at the resort of San Faustino of tracks. The uncertainty concerning the actual perimeter of the site is due to the fact that the mapping has been made subject to secrecy, since Prime Minister Berlusconi has asked to postpone Sogin of the communication on the issues identified for the stock of waste. Even in the absence of precise data, however, the fact that many of the places are at stake (not all will be made the subject in question) does not reassure us at all, and this is a concern that you add to that already due to the many and persistent serious problems environmental problems affecting our area. In this regard, and in terms of energy, it should be noted that only in the Low-Media Vallesina unfolds already a power (efficient) to 86% of gross electricity production of the Marche Region, and add the problem of nuclear waste would violate a land already violated , marked by such elements and processes impacting in the first place, the central API, the LNG terminal and the path of conversion Sadam. The conclusion can only be the same as always: the choices are sustainable only if we know where they lead us, only if they evaluate the upstream weight (and in many cases you can actually do it, if only that for the already intolerable burden of which has knowledge). But renewables, yes those would be a green car, manageable and secure, both for the environment and for our economies, production in that area are really their first development engine.

Atrial Fibrillation Air Presure

Connett: zero waste can be!

A warning issued to both the community as to the industry: should always be responsible, even and especially in waste management. Paul Connett, emeritus professor of environmental chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton (New York), clarifies the point well, and does so from a critical question: is it really so far forced the choices you prefer for the disposal of waste? Rather, says Connett, we should strive to think about the issue in terms of energy , which means promote practical alternatives to the mere destruction of waste, or the production modules and recycling.
No real case solution, in fact, can pass through an incinerator! Burn 1 ton of waste generated is equivalent to no more than 5 million thermal units, and recycle it saves about 17 million of these units. With this, we should remember that the incinerator is an untenable choice for all purposes: specifically violated the right to health (serious is the dispersion of dioxin involved), this false solution is also shown anti-economic, since due to a principle of viability completely fictitious. Yet, the practice of disposing of waste incinerators can, and the strategy of "zero waste " theorized by Paul Connett is demonstrated with ease. Based on recycling and practice of recycling , it is a winner on the field of re-entry into rehabilitation of the territories. The same Connett us successful examples, including the work of the Xerox, which practice the recovery of old photocopiers by as many as 16 different countries, with a result of 95% recycling (for a savings of 76 mln dollars year!).
With regard to the differentiated, Connett it highlights the importance with regard to the possibility of composting organic material, the so-called clean: compost Organic waste makes it possible to return to the soil humus valuable, while avoiding this material ends up in landfills, the fate that, if realized, would make these hopelessly polluting waste. The focus of this approach, then, is the recovery of recyclable waste. As for the remaining part of the so-called junk, would be the appropriate representation of the system adopted in Nova Scotia, where such locality is further divided into two: one part, taken from precisely the most persistent residues (ie still unusable), welcomes other material re- employees, while the other is thus a gap growing decreasing. And these "leftovers" stubborn but being reduced, the active search for their local and sustainable use should be considered as a way actually feasible.
In Italy the first reference to a must be the work of Capannori, where the "door to door" has moved quickly to excellent results, with achieving a percentage of differentiated ' 83%. Significant in this regard, the words of Rossano Ercolini, Coordinator of the Zero Waste Capannori, who, remembering Capannori accrued by the historic success in the battle against the incinerator, says proudly: " were those who said yes to the objectives of innovation, from the standpoint of the choice of best practices, best available techniques and best alternatives " . Cancel waste is indeed possible, provided that it is reduced to mount the production of waste materials for recycling at the same time subjecting those already in circulation. This is true sustainability, a result that Connett and see Ercolini reached during the annual 2020, and through three choices of value as precious as urgent: no incinerator, landfill and no no to the commercialization of garbage. In two words, zero waste.

The Prof. Paul Connett is a professor of chemistry at St. Lawrence Guangzhou University (New York), where he taught for 15 years. He obtained a degree in natural sciences at Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in chemistry at Dartmouth in the USA.
Over the past 14 years has studied the problems of waste management, with particular emphasis on practical alternatives to the incinerator.
has participated in numerous international conferences on the issue of dioxin, and has written popular documents subsequently published in the pages of Chemosphere . He has conducted over 1,500 public presentations in 48 U.S. states and in 40 other countries.

Rossano Ercolini , born in Capannori (LU) 7 May 1955 and a resident here, he obtained a teaching diploma and then practice as a primary school teacher. E 'state councilor to Capannori for a list of the Greens, and currently is a member of Legambiente. He joined the Regional Council (Tuscany) 21 January 1991 to replace Claudio Del Lungo, he remained there until November 19, 1991. He also participated in the work of the Committee on Agriculture Board, joining the Greens. Just in Capannori, 20 and 21 November next to be held on 1st National Seminar on Research on waste and the promotion of good practices of environmental sustainability . Within the seminar, the Joint Meeting of the Operating Team and the Scientific Committee of the Research Center of the City of Capannori, coordinated by Rossano Ercolini and Prof. Paul Connett.

Bottomlessbathing Suits

waste collection in Monte San Vito: what about? How does it work?

For this reason we considered necessary to give a few lines to understand the importance and useful ' usefulness of this topical subject.
Many citizens of Monte San Vito for several months making their homes in the collection on canvassing, but we really sure that everyone knows what it is and as is the case?
We hear constantly about the need for new landfills and in front of citizens who oppose their implementation. Our Province was logistically divided into two basins, coordinated by special associations, which in turn make use of management bodies for the service of actual collection and disposal of waste. Each basin should be autonomous and independent in each phase. The basin 1, the time it returns to our common, coordinated by the "consortium CONERO ENVIRONMENT and managed by the first CAM Spa MULTISERVIZI now marked, it still does not have a landfill. That's why the importance that municipalities initiate the collection.

Our town was one of the first to start the collection compared to other towns of its own area. It all starts in October 2008, when for the first time in the village "The Mussel" is introduced the new method of collection of municipal solid waste, which gets rid of the classic road box, replacing it with the three domestic bins (white-paper , yellow-plastic, gray-undifferentiated). The following year, this system is also adopted in the village "Borghetto"

From the month of March 2011 finally the collection will be extended to the entire territory municipal , thereby affecting the state capital and Saint Lucia, while the campaigns will be carried out with the collection points near or ecological islands with the (different bins).
The news will also affect the mussels and Borghetto (who already have a scheme for separate collection systems), with the collection that will be done at home for the organic fraction (Brown ) and glass.
The data highlight the importance of this system for various reasons, including raising the public spirit and respect the environment, extend as much as possible the life of existing landfills (which can triple) so trying to avoid new ones, and the limitation on the eco-tax (national tax that applies to municipalities that do not meet the thresholds imposed by different Law).
In this regard, if by the end of this year, the percentage of waste of our common will to 50.01% we will be entitled to the reduction of eco-tax from 24 € to 14 € per tonne, which is why we invite all citizens to promote this simple procedure, as we have seen can not help but bring benefits to our City.