Democracy and religion EZIO MAURO
"Let's stop." With this invitation an order recalling the Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See Tarcisio Bertone yesterday took a public stand against the Republic of investigation on the cost of the Church for Italian taxpayers, signed by Curzio Maltese. "Down with this story of funds to the Church - Cardinal Bertone said literally - through the opening to the faith in God only brings fruits to the company." He then added: "There is a newspaper every week to pull off such initiatives. Religious education is sacrosanct. "
We intend to holiness, so we do not answer this point. But we can not fail to notice that the tone used by His Eminence is mandatory and is unusual in any democracy is best for a Syllabus. The attack on the Vatican about a journalistic inquiry that examines the costs of Italian citizens for the Catholic Church, from tax exemptions through eight per thousand in funding for private schools, at the hour of religion: the other episodes will follow, until the work plan is not finalized.
Let's stop? And why? Who decides? In the name of what authority? Maybe the Holy See believes that it can block the work of a free newspaper to his liking? He thinks he can decide whether an investigation should be published "weekly" or with a different cadence? E 'convinced just ask that the early closure of a press to prevent them from discussing the "story"? Finally and most importantly: there is no more the imprimatur, so even in Italy, if a newspaper thinks "come up with initiatives of this kind" can do it. Without committing an error that we will be happy to correct, if we receive requests for corrections that have not arrived, because no substantial point of the investigative work has been disproved.
The refutation, it seems, even if it is incredible to say, about the very legitimacy of addressing these issues. As if there were, we said, an unprecedented journalistic servitude Italy to the Holy See, is not provided for other Italian and foreign institutions, but typically only non-democratic countries. In addition, His Eminence is the head of government of a foreign state that requests to "finish" with the free labor of investigation (of course debatable, but free) to an Italian newspaper. Should know that the West does not use. Never.
this reaction is surprising when we speak not of the foundations of faith, but of money. Yet if the Church - as it should - want to play a full part of public discourse in a democratic and transparent, can not then escape in the name of some sacred subject to the obligations that this entails public discourse: for all subjects, even those devoted to the good common. This is also a perennial part of the challenge, and contemporary, between democracy and religion. (October 25, 2007
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