Sunday, October 31, 2010

Patch Posions For Brownie Vest

With the fruit does not earn more?


The whole country lives bad the situation in which there is the vegetable world for several years: first, they were especially challenging consumers to record and prices are considered excessive, but more recently are even more manufacturers to report revenues that too often do not cover production costs.

But instead of calmly analyze the reasons for these differences and made you fight all against all forgetting that we are all in this together.

solutions found by a party are regularly refuted by it with the result that does not advance it to the peasants who are trying to replace traders setting up farmers markets and KM Zero melody to it for the most part consumers are forced to use the stores are closer and more comfortable and can not or will not respond to the invitation to go to the countryside to buy a few kilos of the product that during that month because it is available in a few weeks after that season and already is no longer offered.

organizations of producers such as Coldiretti and the CIA see when shortening the chain and the possible remedy backed by ministers as Zaia organize events such as Country Friend or structures such as farmers' markets at the expense of the community to skip the intermediate step business. After the first

who retires and there is no experience that develops and becomes copying the grocery retailer's traditional craft. He is not happy because he is subject to all legislative requirements and pays taxes while the first is to escape controls that fees.

The modern distribution has long been more a service than a business. You can tell when you learn that much of the producer is paid the amount remaining after deducting all the costs of distribution are many and include transport refrigeration from the selection with the calibration of the mess to packaging, overhead the cost of rent shops and supermarkets. Not to mention all the wages for many people involved not to make money but to put his hand to so many tons of fruit and vegetables a city that consumes every day. And do not forget that the case of fresh produce there are also moments where not everything is eaten in time and deteriorates while you are still on the shelves or in refrigerators.

Consumers prefer to shop every day of the year because it offers them a wide range of products and since it was introduced the system of free customer service is the only compass for the entire chain. It is life lived to the retailer or buyer of retail but it is also for the whole army committed 365 days to 365 to keep well filled the shelves of every store. Despite the difficulties of adapting products or entire areas of production to the charges that come from the producer must be trained to make these efforts.

not always make them or do not always have time. And then you get to glimpse a solution: An ever closer cooperation between production and the connecting links with the details because it is the detail that before any other member of staff understands the mood of the markets that have long been international with few barriers entrance. It 's the detail that has become the friend of the producer because if everyone can work together to serve the customer better.

The same must be said, however, the respect for international markets where the specialists of the Import-Export to sniff the wind. Even on this side there's signs that production can not and must not ignore.

In support of these theses must keep in mind that according to data published by the Centre of Cesena, in collaboration with ISMEA few weeks ago as many as 49% of fruits and vegetables does not follow the channel of mass retailers find it more convenient but still follow traditional channels of wholesale markets, or those of more modern HORECA in charge of catering and related Catering.

While promotion is necessary and if it is true that the proceeds of sales lies in good and bad on the producer is also true that the promotion is to finance the production. If the OP (producer organizations in accordance with the rules and regulations of 'EU) instead of distributing widely the contributions of 3% almost useless to individual producers who agree to invest this money in promoting the mere fact that the questions would begin to outstrip demand tantamount prices that little or too much of that to bring a smile on the lips of the people of the country.